Identity card

This page provides information on the electronic identity card and Kids-ID.

  1. Last updated on

The Belgian embassies and career consulates issue electronic identity cards to Belgians who are listed in their population registers:

The price for the eID is DKK 160 + DKK 96 in case your passport has to be sent to you by registered mail. The Belgian eID has a validity of 6 years (for applicants from 12 years to 18 years), 10 years (for applicants from 18 years to 75 years) or 30 years (for + 75 year olds).

Belgian children under the age of 12 who live abroad can obtain a Kids ID at the Belgian professional post where they are registered.

The price for the Kids-ID is DKK 80. Add DKK 96 in case the Kids-ID has to be sent to you by registered mail. A Kids-ID is valid for 3 years, even in case of a move (to another country or to Belgium).

Please include 2 passport photos of good quality on white background with your application.

Identity cards can be paid:

  • by bank transfer to the Embassy's account at Danske Bank (4001-3121451239). Please send your request and payment on the same day.
  • or with Dankort/credit card in local currency at the desk.

Do not confuse the Belgian identity card with the Belgian passport or with the residence card of your country of residence.

Note the difference between Belgian identity cards and residence documents, which may be issued by the country of residence. The validity and legal nature of these residence documents are generally limited to the territory of the country of residence.

The eID and Kids-ID are valid identity and travel documents for the member states of the European Union and for a few neighbouring countries. Hence, they will often be helpful - and even necessary - means for the holders to identify themselves.

For numerous countries a passport is required as an eID is not sufficient.