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A passport is an official, worldwide recognized and usable travel document in the format of a booklet issued by the relevant authority in a particular State to its nationals.

One must make a distinction between a passport and an identity card which, as its name implies, is just a single card.

Belgian passports are valid 7 years (5 years for minors).

Any Belgian citizen can be issued his or her own passport starting at birth.

It is possible to travel to around 50 countries using an identity card, but a passport allows its holder to travel to any country in the world, subject to fulfilling any applicable visa requirements.

Read more on the FPS Foreign Affairs website


  • All payments have to be made in Danish Crowns (DKK).
  • Passports can only be paid by debit card: Dankort.
    Price: DKK 600 (DKK 280 for a minor). Please add DKK 96 in case your passport has to be sent to you by registered mail.

The price of a passport includes a federal tax, production costs (which are higher if a passport application is urgent or an application is made for a 64-page passport instead of the standard 32-page one) and, if the passport application is submitted to a municipal administration, municipal taxes (for further information on fees, please contact your municipal administration since each municipal administration charges its own fee).

Federal tax is not payable on passports issued to children under the age of 18 but production costs and any municipal taxes still apply.

Passports applied for at a Belgian embassy or consulate must be paid for in local currency. Please contact the Belgian Embassy or Consulate for details of prices in local currency, which will depend on the exchange rate.